Integrate with Vainu
Integrate with Vainu
Vainu data has been used in multiple integrations with various business systems. Some are built by us, some are built by our partners, and various different solutions our customers have tailored for their own specific needs. Before you start designing your integration or application, head to our app showcase to see if someone is offering a solution like this already.
Building blocks for integrations
The core of our API aims to deliver data from companies based on your queries. This data API is still a significant part of each integration for getting the correct data whenever you need it. In addition to the company filters, we have built various endpoints to support and streamline more complex workflows.
With customer data and company lists, you can send and manage data at Vainu. These help you access the same groups of companies or build automation or workflows based on these lists.
Webhooks allow you to get rid of time-driven tasks and unnecessary requests, and of course, to go real-time in full. Use webhooks to get alerts when something changes and you need to react.
The Vainu platform allows your users to access the Vainu search engine and data through visual UI. This UI can be expanded and integrated into your system. You can access search results, automate exports, or even mass export companies listed in the UI.
Keeping your data up to date
Transforming Vainu events to leads
Vainu events, triggers, or signals are categorized changes in companies collected from various open sources. Just like data updates, we have tools built for some major CRMs where workflows can be built directly in the Vainu platform with easy-to-use UI.
Usually, events are something that cause direct or indirect action in your system or at your employees. Every trigger has one or more tags which you can utilize to make sure that they end up to correct workflow in your system. Most commonly this means leads or tasks in CRM or auto-generating leads and background data to your contacts in marketing automation systems.
Our triggers are available either by webhooks or from GET signals endpoint. Webhooks can be configured via the Vainu platform (API support is under development) and lists of signals can be fetched from our API. With webhooks, you can create multiple different setups where just correct triggers are always delivered to the correct address for easy processing.
Using our API is simple and works just like finding companies. You can use our filter parameters and date ranges to get signals either from a single company or from a group of companies. This enables historical data too and allows you to see how the company has behaved and changed earlier. Some of our clients have even built predictive models based on this data to find the best matches for their sales.
Enriching limited data
It is not uncommon at all to have incomplete, limited, or sometimes even wrong data in your systems. Our API will help you to find the best matches with this data either by using our filter parameters or by our built-in matching functions.
Build your own search engine
Our GET companies offers a good backbone for robust and fast search engines for company data. Our clients have built various company searches to their systems, sometimes with handy UI and sometimes solutions that effectively work on the background of your existing processes.
Some of these are even public, offered to your visitors, clients, or users. We have some restrictions on how we like our data to be seen by the public, but contact us and we'll build a model suiting your and your users' needs.
Offer more data for your customers
We have clients and partners who resell and deliver information generated from our data to their customers. Whether you need data for your consultants to make better decisions with their clients or you need to generate data and information sets for your clients, Vainu API has you covered.
Let us know what you have in mind and we can tailor a framework that will suit our needs.
Segment, score and manage companies and contacts
Sometimes the problem with the data isn't the lack of it, but the amount of data. Huge datasets can be time-consuming and ineffective to utilize. Vainu API can be used to enrich your data to find the best possibilities and organize the data in such a manner that it can be consumed in an effective way.
Our data and APIs have been used to design and build simple and complex account and contact scoring systems, that help you to decide what you should focus on or who you should call first. Sometimes these systems might help you to find more similar opportunities and companies to interact with.
Updated about 3 years ago