Industry data
Industries are usually a good way to understand the field company does business. Vainu data includes industries from three different sources: Official industry classifications, Linked In industries, and Vainu custom industries.
Vainu custom industry
Vainu custom industry is generated based on the written content on a company's website and other company-related sources. Our AI generates tags based on the content, describing the multiple fields or topics the company works with. With the combination of tags, Vainu custom industry usually performs a lot better than traditional industry classifications in explaining what the company actually does.
Each Vainu custom industry is paired with a confidence score, indicating the accuracy level of the custom industry tags associated with the companies, i.e., how confident we are that the tag is correct. This feature allows you to build your own thresholds for processing different tags and probabilities.
Official industry classifications
Official industry classifications come from local authorities. In the EU, most local classifications, like TOL and SNI, are expanded from the EU-level NACE classification. The official classification works with numeric codes where each digit added to the end of the numeric string adds a more in-depth explanation for the industry. NACE and thus local codes are compatible with up to four digits, and local codes might go one level deeper up to five digits.
In Vainu, the queries are made with numeric codes, and the response will include the code and the written format of the industry.
API Example: official_industries in Denmark
Example of what data structure returned when requesting field official_industries in Denmark. Data includes code, scheme, top level code and descriptions for 2 top levels and most accurate level.
"official_industries": [
"code": "351200",
"scheme": "dk_db_2007",
"descriptions": {
"en": "Transmission of electricity"
"code_1_level": "D",
"code_1_level_descriptions": {
"en": "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply"
"code_2_level": "35",
"code_2_level_descriptions": {
"en": "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply"
"code": "495000",
"scheme": "dk_db_2007",
"descriptions": {
"en": "Transport via pipeline"
"code_1_level": "H",
"code_1_level_descriptions": {
"en": "Transportation and storage"
"code_2_level": "49",
"code_2_level_descriptions": {
"en": "Land transport and transport via pipelines"
You can find the local Industry classifications from the following links:
LinkedIn industry
LinkedIn offers their own industry classifications. LinkedIn industries are available from companies with associated Linked In profiles.
Updated 3 months ago
We have written an in-depth example of the Vainu Custom Industry.